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“We Can Comfort Them” Quote from 4th grader

This year I have been asked to work with the 4th Grade Class at St. Agatha School in Upper Arlington.

Fourth Graders at St. Agatha begin to explore service in their community and begin to do projects revolving around empathy, and understanding of those in need.  This year, the students will focus on Seniors Citizens.

I was honored to be invited and will enjoy helping in their efforts to better understand, and also provide some opportunities to for the 4th graders to serve seniors at Always There Home Care.

What a great visit I had yesterday teaching the students about serving Senior Citizens.  Developing an understanding for what seniors are going through and finding ways to inspire them to do something kind to lift up the spirits of some seniors in the community.

I believe I learned more from the children than they did from me!

Here are some quotes from the students yesterday.  Each of these resonated the understanding that they have gifts to share and that they are completely appreciated by the seniors in their own lives.

When I asked “What can we do for the seniors we love in our lives?” I got these great answers:

“We can comfort them”, “Hug them”, “Tell them we Love them”, “FaceTime them”, “Sing to them”, “Bake cookies for them”.

Hearing a term of “comfort” from a 4th grader was awe inspiring.  I was emotionally moved by the level of understanding these students really have for adults on the complete opposite end of the spectrum.  There were so many inspiring moments and great takeaways.  We talked about what kind of issues seniors may be facing.  Here are some replies:

“Loneliness”, “Confusion”, “Pain”, “Sadness”, “It’s hard for seniors to drive”, “It’s hard to go to the grocery store”.

We were able to unpack a few of these comments and talk about what things the kids could do to ease some of these burdens for the seniors they love.

We also talked about how many things our parents do for us.  And then we looked at that big list and we discussed how one day, we may be doing many of these same things for our own parents.

I think this was a bit of a shocker for many of the students.  But it clearly opened up the discussion.

To learn more about how your senior loved one can benefit from care at home, call our 24-Hour Home Care Hotline: (614) HOME-CARE 466-3227 and schedule a Free In-Home Care Assessment.

Ben Smith is the Founder, President and C.C.I.C. (Chief Caregiver IN Charge) At Always There Home Care.  Our continuing mission is to serve seniors and enable them the maximum comfort imaginable.  For many families, this means staying home against all odds.  Mom & Dad can stay home and THRIVE with great care and great comfort without sacrificing independence, and also while gaining an amazing relationship with a caregiver and a care team that is second to none in Columbus, Ohio.

#614HomeCare ,#HomeCareOhio, #24HourHomeCare, #AlwaysThereHomeCareColumbus , #CareForMomColumbusOhio


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