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“Is It Time For Home Care?” Sarcasm Ensues.

“Is it time for Home Care?” Sarcasm ensues.


This is not said sarcastically, but sometimes it could be interpreted that way.  Sometimes the need for care is a screamingly obvious SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS type of situation.

Have you ever seen the show HOARDERS?  I have.  Once.  But I really don’t need to see it.  I have lived it far too many times.

Have you seen pre-hoarding in your senior loved ones home?

Maybe full blown hoarding?  Trust me.  I have seen worse.  We can help.  There is no shame in asking for help.

Often, Hoarders are not dramatically defensive of their ‘creations’, there is more shame than defense.  Hoarding is absolutely a cry for help, but it wasn’t the first cry.

The first cry could be missed meds.  A crowded or un-stocked refrigerator.  Clothes that are not being washed.  Baths are not happening.

Nobody would choose this predicament over a cleaner lifestyle.  This wasn’t a choice at all in fact.  It was a culmination of missing features in life that catapulted an individual into a less than desirable situation.

I have seen homes with exceptional intention and yet almost no action.  Stores of cleaning products, albeit unopened.  Unused.  Pets ‘missing’.  Active mold growing.  Stenches that begin to be detected from the driveway.  I told you I’ve seen worse.  Smelled it too.

The truth is?  It can happen so very quickly.  Sometimes its hard to differentiate priorities.  Sometimes family members can only skype or make phone calls from afar.  Sometimes advocates pass away before the care recipient.   Life can be such a tragic challenge.

Getting help is never harder than suffering through a lack thereof.

This is why we are “Always There”.  Our team is standing by 24-Hours a day to assist with all the little things before they become mold growing disgusting flea bitten horrifying things.


And if they have already become the latter?  We can help with that also.

Ben Smith is the Founder, President & C.C.I.C. of Always There Home Care.

He owns no less than 10 sets of army grade ventilators (think gas masks) and is absolutely comfortable with rolling up his sleeves and advocating through the muck.  He also has 8 children and two grandchildren.  He’s been thru all of this before and is absolutely qualified to go into dark scary places in order to show you the light.  Call us today to book a FREE In-Home Care Assessment with Ben.  (614) HOME-CARE 466-3227

#HomeCareOhio #CareForMom #AlwaysThereHomeCareColumbus #CareForDad #24HourHomeCare #614HOMECARE



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