Right to life. Right to death.
You won’t hear stories of too many people who come to this crossroad. This inevitable passage in life..the ultimate passage. Father time is undefeated. Life expectancy has changed very little over the generations.
“this too shall pass.” And ultimately, so too shall we.
But I would argue that an overwhelming majority of us fight death a little bit each day. We educate ourselves. We take care of ourselves. We make decisions without even considering the nature of their life prolonging ramifications.
We go boldly toward life and yet life’s ultimate last step is avoided. Discussions rarely grace this topic. It’s painful to even discuss. It’s final nature too much to stomach.
Australian scientist David Goodall is among an incredibly small minority. Graced with a healthy 103 years, he held a sharp intellect to his last day. A day that he chose to die.
Watch this mans story and you’ll find it’s merit and it is hard while tragic to not find empathy for his painful decision.
Planning to talk about wishes at end of life is nearly as painful as the discussion of death itself. Many wait too long and fall into a category of “You don’t plan to fail, you fail to plan”.
Advocacy and managing the aging process can be for loved ones is difficult. Period. I can advise that advocacy without the direction achieved by conversations had in times of heath or prosperity is utterly impossible.
If advocacy is a road. Do not travel it without a direction. Shine some light on the future with your loved ones so you may keep them heading always toward the light.
Ben Smith is Founder, President & C.C.I.C. at Always There Home Care. Their ongoing mission is working with advocates who walk that careful walk with daily on behalf of their treasured senior loved ones. Call us today to begin this walk at (614) HOME-CARE 466-3227 or email us at: alwaystherehomecare@gmail.com